Saturday, October 13, 2012

Back in Action?

I know, I know. I've been remiss in my unending search for all things dog related. However, I promise to be back in no time with more reviews of hot dogs, wieners, kielbasa, and oh so much more. Stay tuned faithful followers!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Coney Island Systems

Kerrie and I stopped by Sparky's Coney Island Systems in East Providence on our way home from the mall last week. I had driven by the location several times before and wondered what the dogs were like. Well, I'm happy to report that they were worth the wait, although I wish I had indulged in the warm atmosphere of the shop sooner. Although the building itself sits at an awkward angle to the street, the interior harkens back to a simpler time where corner cafes and restaurants offered citizens a chance to socialize and communicate. There's a retro counter with chromed stools as well as wood paneling circa 1970. These elements combined with our super-friendly waitress added up to a truly positive experience. We'll definitely be going back before the summer's over. The coney dogs were definitely up to par as well.

The Final Word: 5 Stars

Sunday, May 20, 2012

South Coast Coneys

Words can't describe how awesome this place is (but I'll try anyway). South Coast Coneys is the majestic dolphin swimming through a school of Oscar-Meyer wieners. There's plenty of fish in the sea, but this place is a true dolphin.

Located in the heart of Middleboro, MA next to Hannaford's, South Coast Coneys features a hot dog menu unlike any other cart, store, franchise, or chain. There is truthfully no other place like this on the South Shore. In particular, their flagship Coney Dog remains a steadfast favorite for regulars and newcomers alike. Unlike a boring Chili Dog, the Coney Dog tastes of decadence and spontaneity. With a light dash of celery salt and mustard, this dog will conjure images of ferris wheels and roller coasters. Their steamed buns and premium quality franks make it easy to imagine yourself luxuriously lying by Gatsby's pool on a warm July evening. Fitzgerald himself would've spent a fortune to taste the amorous memory of these fine franks--but you don't have to. South Coast Coneys offers a great $5 deal that includes two dogs, chips, and a drink. Again, if you haven't been here you need to. The owners (Jay and Dennis) provide more entertainment than a carney in a top hat. You're gonna like these dogs, I guarantee it!